Owner Education
Reference Material
So now you have your Pumi and you’d like to know a bit more about the breed that’s sitting here with you. Are his ears the right shape? What about his coat? Are his teeth right? Is his color OK? Here’s the page to help you with that.
There are no books dedicated to the Pumi that are in English. There is one book, Hungarian Dog Breeds, written in 1977 by Imre Ócag and Pál Sárkány that includes a few pages on the Pumi. You can still find it sometimes if you search on the internet. So this web page will have to do, along with published articles from the Pumi Perspectives newsletters. (You must be an HPCA member to view the newsletters.)
First, start off the with AKC standard for the Pumi. That tells you what a Pumi is supposed to look like in a few words. Then there’s a whole lot of other information to help you understand what the standard is saying that includes photos, drawings, and videos.
Here is a list of reference material to help you learn.
AKC Pumi Standard | This is the bible describing what the ideal Pumi looks like. |
PowerPoint presentation | This was developed to help judges understand how to judge the breed, but you can learn a lot about the breed standard with photos and video. |
Pumi Webinar | This was a webinar conducted on May 1, 2020 that uses an updated version of the PowerPoint above and includes some lessons on judging groups of four dog. |
AKC Canine College – Pumi | AKC offers these online learning courses to judges and others who would like to learn about the breed. There are lots of the photos and videos including interviews with breed authorities. The cost is $50. |
Judge’s Quick Reference Guide | This is a one-page quick review of important points of the Pumi that can be folded in half and make it 2-sided. The HPCA has these available in a half-sheet laminated form. |
An Introduction to the Pumi | This is an article written to introduce the breed to dog enthusiasts in the ShowSight magazine May 2014. |
Judging the Pumi | This is another article written for the Herding Dog Digest in 2016. |
Considerations in Judging the Pumi | This was written for AKC judges as the Pumi was getting fully recognized with concerns about proper coat preparation (from the AKC judges blog) |
Permissible Pumi Colors Chart | This is a chart published by the Hungarian Pumi Klub (MPK) of permissible colors in the Pumi and the name (in English) of the color. |
The Pumi Coat and Its Grooming | This article was published in Pumi Perspectives about correct Pumi coats. |
An Introduction to the Pumi | An article written for the (Canine Chronicle in 2015. |
Comparison of the AKC Pumi and Puli Standards and the FCI Mudi Standard | A table showing the parts of the 3 Hungarian herding breeds and how they compare. It’s a bit out of date because the Mudi didn’t have an AKC standard so the FCI standard was used. |
Herding Sport and Tradition Preserving in Hungary | An article by Ferenc Skobrák from Hungary that was translated to English. Skobrák was a well loved and respected Pumi breeder who passed away a few years ago. |
Judging the Pumi | The first U.S. magazine article written about the Pumi in ShowSight magazine in May 2014. |
Living with a Pumi | An article written by Tammy Hall for the ShowSight magazine in January 2016. |
Herding with the Pumi | A website on herding with a Pumi in Hungary, written in English by Krisztina Menyhárt. |