Each year we offer different types of health testing depending on the Pumifest location. However the DNA Blood Draw is offered every year.
CHIC DNA Blood Draw
We are creating a DNA repository for our breed which will be stored by the OFA Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) Program for future use by researchers looking for genes for particular hereditary diseases. When they want to do research, they will have access to blood (i.e. DNA) from a number of dogs. This has already proven useful in determining that there were Pumik that were carriers of Degenerative Myelopathy in the US. This is a simple blood draw and will be performed by a licensed veterinary technician. The cost is normally $20 plus a vet visit to have this done. CHIC is subsidizing half the cost, so the total cost to you for each dog is only $10. This is a wonderful opportunity for our breed. It will provide a DNA repository for any health problems that may surface in the Pumi. (This program shouldn’t be confused with AKC’s DNA identification program, which is separate, not a repository, and also a good idea for fool-proof identification of your dog of the offspring of your dogs.) This link https://www.ofa.org/about/dna-repository will give you more information. You can pay for the blood draw from the Pumifest Registration page, but you must send the following to Gail Oneal prior to Pumifest:
- DNA Application & Health History (check DNA Repository)
- 3 generation pedigree of your dog
If you don’t have a 3-generation pedigree, you can print one from the Pumi Pedigree Database, get it from your dog’s breeder, or order one from AKC. Send these documents to Gail Oneal via email at Gail Oneal at gannoneal@gmail.com, or send to Gail Oneal, 3716 N Westwood Ln, Spokane WA 99224. Questions on any of this may be directed to Gail. If you don’t remember if your dog has contributed some of his blood, below is the list of dogs that have donated.
If Your Pumi Has Already Donated Blood to the Blood Bank
You only need to donate once for each Pumi. However, if your dog has DNA banked in the CHIC DNA Repository and has had any significant health status changes since filling out the original health survey, please remember to email the OFA with updates. Include the dog’s name/number, as well as any updated diagnosis. As the number of researchers interested in this resource continues to increase, it is important to keep the health histories up to date, as that is typically the primary selection criteria for supplying samples to a given research proposal. Email updates to: ofa@offa.org. Thank You!
Pumik That Have Already Donated
- Abiqua Aliz
- Abiqua Bodri
- Abiqua Cinke
- Abiqua Dogos Csupasz
- Abiqua Duci
- Abiqua Flota
- Abiqua Gabi Cm
- Abiqua Herceg
- Abiqua Heves
- Abiqua Iharos
- Abiqua Jatekos
- Abiqua Juci
- Abiqua Kukucs
- Abiqua Larmas
- Abiqua Magikus
- Abiqua Malna
- Abiqua Mokany
- Abiqua Nani
- Abiqua Nebulo
- Abiqua Nudli
- Abiqua Ocsi
- Abiqua Odavisz
- Abiqua Opal
- Abiqua Paprika
- Abiqua Pasztor
- Abiqua Pipacs
- Abiqua Ravasz
- Abiqua Tavaszka
- Abiqua Ugato
- Abiqua Varazs
- Abiqua Vezer
- Abiqua Villam
- Abiqua Zinka
- Abiqua Zsofi
- Aero Just Wright
- Aero Take To The Skye
- Akinnaz Knixa
- Amerikai Sophie
- Baltoy Bold Beezum
- Blacksheep Caught In The Crossfire
- Blacksheep’s Dougan A New Look At Bodega
- Blueridge Vista Abrand
- Blueridge Vista Adaz
- Blueridge Vista Csango
- Blueridge Vista Csatar
- Blueridge Vista Csendes
- Blueridge Vista Csillag
- Blueridge Vista Csoban
- Blueridge Vista Csoda
- Blueridge Vista Csuzli
- Blueridge Vista Dalos
- Blueridge Vista Derus
- Blueridge Vista Dobos
- Blueridge Vista Drava
- Blueridge Vista Duna
- Blueridge Vista Eber
- Blueridge Vista Edes
- Blueridge Vista Eger
- Blueridge Vista Egres
- Blueridge Vista Elektra
- Blueridge Vista Elod
- Blueridge Vista Emma
- Blueridge Vista Eperke
- Blueridge Vista Erod
- Blueridge Vista Eszti
- Blueridge Vista Ete
- Blueridge Vista Fanciska
- Blueridge Vista Flora
- Blueridge Vista Fruska
- Blueridge Vista Furge
- Blueridge Vista Gabriella
- Blueridge Vista Gizella
- Blueridge Vista Gondos
- Blueridge Vista Gunda
- Blueridge Vista Hadur
- Blueridge Vista Helka
- Blueridge Vista Herceg
- Blueridge Vista Hogolyo
- Blueridge Vista Huba
- Blueridge Vista Huszar
- Blueridge Vista Igaz
- Blueridge Vista Inas
- Blueridge Vista Ici-Pici
- Blueridge Vista Ilka
- Blueridge Vista Irisz
- Bohemia Vivace Ash
- Braviary Big Ben
- Buttermilk Crik’s Ace On The Trinity River
- Buttermilk Crik’s Amarillo By Morning
- Buttermilk Crik’s Arlington Home Of The Cowboys
- Buttermilk Crik’s Boogie Back To Bastrop
- Buttermilk Crik’s Brady Heart Of Texas
- Buttermilk Crik’s Crossing Tracks Of Abilene
- Buttermilk Crik’s It’s A Long Way To Buda-Pest
- Buttermilk Crik’s Keep Austin Weird
- Buttermilk Crik’s No Dancing’ In Anson
- Buttermilk Crik’s Red-Headed Stranger From Abbott
- Buttermilk Crik’s Tejano Alice
- Calypso Bootstrap Bill
- Calypso Captain Blackbeard
- Calypso Davy Jones
- Calypso Mr. Gibbs
- Calypso Will Turner
- Catskill Apacatancos Anka
- Catskill Battyogo Bikfic
- Catskill Becsi Barsony
- Catskill Bocskoros Baka Otter
- Catskill Csacsogo Celerina
- Catskill Csatakos Csoma
- Catskill Csendes Csobanka
- Catskill Csipos Csuzli
- Catskill Csucsai Csinszka
- Catskill Ecseri Etelka
- Catskill Fenyes Filler Rubik
- Catskill Finnyas Fani
- Catskill Furge Falat Frankie
- Catskill Huncut Hanga
- Catskill Reba Gobbles Entire Mc&Cheese
- Copper’s Flamme Du Coeur Ignacio De Villiers
- Copper’s Pikachu, I Choose You
- Copper’s Vanilla Mocha Latte
- Copper’s Very Hungry For Waffles
- Cseresznyeskerti-Csalfa Ugyes
- Cseri-Subas Amal
- Cseri-Subas Edes
- Csunyatelepi Biborka
- Csunyatelepi Kincses
- Cuidado Tallyho Tardos
- Cuidado Ultimate Urak
- Cuidado Upbeat Ugro
- Cypress Bay Butter Brickle At Mayalu
- Cypress Bay’s Alpar
- Cypress Bay’s Atilla
- Cypress Bay’s Pink Topaz
- Cypress Bay’s Royal Garnet
- Danbaroh Getredi Here I Come
- De La Ville Aux Trois Vallees Electra
- Ederra’s Hello Dolly
- Ederra’s Sabbia Bianca
- Ego Dog’s Fab Fantasy
- Embers Only The Brave
- Embers White Hot
- Felallo Fulu Fruska
- Galla-Hegyi Gomboc
- Galla-Hegyi Nyiko
- Greenfarms Abacogal Of Guana
- Greenfarms Amusing Suzie
- Greenfarms Athleticism
- Greenfarms Silhouette
- Greenfarms Tapestry Trace
- Greenfarms Texas Thistle
- Hegyaljai Szerencses Muskotaly
- Hegyvidek-Eke Facer
- Hegyvidek-Eke Himes
- Highland Mary Abiqua Mosquito
- Imps & Divas Incorrigible George
- Imps & Divas Loki The Trickster
- Indianapolis Pooh
- Kaffogo Agyag
- Kapolnasi-Csutoras Orso
- Karizma Abiqua Eperke
- Karizma N Trisong’s Naughty By Nature
- Karizma N Wright’s Lucio Runs With Rhythm
- Karizma’s Double Trouble
- Karizma’s Felicity Shagwell
- Karizma’s Grace Under Fire
- Karizma’s Lost Creek Collette
- Karizma’s Masquerade Of Innocence
- Karizma’s Mikrokozmosz
- Karizma’s Piros Magas Sarok
- Karizma’s Shadow Of Superstition
- Karizma’s Thunder From Down Under
- Karizma’s Tiger By The Tail
- Karizma’s Walking The Tightrope
- Kemences Barita Almaspite
- Kemences Barita Aranygaluska
- Kismet’s Bodi
- Kismet’s Royal Flush
- Klipsan Calgary
- Lake Sumter Ema
- Mariell De Marque Fabel Fylgia Barn
- Mayalu’s Bartek
- Mayalu’s Daeira
- Mayalu’s Eon
- Mayalu’s Eternal Laughter
- Mayalu’s Fergal
- Mayalu’s Fianna
- Menesvolgyi Raplis Jojo
- Mr. Blue
- Mr. Brown
- Nutmeg River Bolarka
- Nutmeg River Meh
- Nutmeg River Napraforgo
- Nutmeg River Pipacs
- Nutmeg River Pitypang
- Nutmeg River Tatika
- Nyirsegfia Fuge
- Nyirsegria Cserfes
- Pattogo Parazs Buda
- Pilisi-Kocos Jeles
- Pilisi-Kocos Odeszep
- Pusztasarja Derek
- Rocklin Asa Gloria
- Seraphine-Du-Coeur Des Devezes D’ Aubrac
- Szimfonia Alida Furge
- Szimfonia Allo Ovacio
- Szimfonia Amerikai Csilla
- Szimfonia Anemi Zephryos
- Szimfonia Beata
- Szimfonia Csengo Hangu
- Szimfonia Fantazia
- Szimfonia Friss
- Szimfonia Sofia
- Thistlestone’s Silverado
- Twister’s Goblin
- Vidam Kertesz Dorgo
- Vidam Kertesz Gyongy
- Vidam Kertesz Vedelmezoje
- Vidam Kertesz Zeneje
- Yippy-Yi-Yea Giddy-Up-Go