Pumifest 2021
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September 29 – October 3, 2021
Sanford, NC
COVID Guidelines for Pumifest
Masks are required indoors except when eating. Masks are recommended outdoors if you cannot maintain a 6-foot distance or are eating.
You MUST print & sign these two waivers & bring them to Pumifest:
The following plan will be enforced throughout all times during PUMIFEST EVENTS.
This plan is subject to change, as necessary, and to be in compliance with state, county, and city regulations.
- IF YOU ARE ILL, COUGHING, SNEEZING, RUNNING A TEMPERATURE OR FEEL UNWELL, please stay home or quarantine yourself. You will not be admitted with any of these symptoms.
- EXPOSURE TO COVID-19: If you have recently tested positive for COVID-19, or if you have recently been in the presence of a person who has either tested positive for COVID-19 or has the symptoms of COVID-19 (including, but not limited to, coughing, sneezing, or high temperature), you will not be admitted.
- SOCIAL DISTANCING and MASKING: All Exhibitors and Attendees must follow BON-CLYDE LEARNING CENTER and FINDLEY VUE FARM waivers and/or policies. HPCA is requiring that each individual in attendance at EVENTS be respectful of others. Please understand that Exhibitors and Attendees may be asked to mask according to local, county, and state requirements
- DESIGNATED COVID-19 MONITOR (“COVID CZAR”): HPCA has an assigned COVID Monitor throughout the duration of EVENTS who will be responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that all Exhibitors and Attendees are in compliance with any mask wearing and social distancing requirements;
- Ensuring that HPCA has a signed Waiver on file for all Exhibitors and Attendees;
- Providing a COVID-19 Event Waiver to those who need to execute it prior to entry into EVENTS and facilities.
- SANITIZING STATIONS: BON-CLYDE will provide some stations for use at their facility. Please bring your own hand sanitizer to use when necessary, especially during herding events.
- ENTRANCE TO THE EVENT FACILITIES: A list will be kept of all people at the events who have signed the waiver. Entry will be denied to anyone refusing to sign the Waiver. Additional waivers will be provided for signature at the entry point.